Designate Your Cy Pres to Legal Access Alameda!
If you are involved in class action matters, please consider making Legal Access Alameda as a recipient of cy pres funds. We are a 501c3 that provides free legal assistance to low income and disadvantaged communities in Alameda County and throughout California. We are happy to talk with you about crafting an appropriate designation, and to help negotiate this with opposing counsel and/or the mediator or judge.
Legal Access Alameda is the pro bono arm of the Alameda County Bar Association, and has been providing free legal help since 1983. Each year, we help thousands of clients in need in a range of different areas of law, from family law and guardianships of children, to bankruptcy. We partner with the Court, offering clinics both in the courthouse and outside of it. In many cases, we are the only agency in the Bay Area offering legal help in that area of the law.
By directing cy pres funds to Legal Access Alameda, attorneys can contribute to the expansion of legal access, empower marginalized communities, and uphold the principles of justice. Through collaboration and thoughtful designations, attorneys have the unique opportunity to make a lasting difference beyond individual cases. Choose Legal Access Alameda as your cy pres beneficiary and help create a more equitable legal landscape for all.
At Legal Access, we are committed to bridging the justice gap for those in our community who cannot afford an attorney. We strongly believe that a person’s access to justice should not be determined by their income.
Legal Access Alameda is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, and your contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Legal Access’ federal tax ID is 94-2963695.
Questions? Please contact Christina Wiellette with any questions at (510) 302- 2216 or